A huge coworking space, which is completely free to use! Good opening hours, fast WiFi, and lots of power outlets. It's quiet and comfortable, with plenty of seating areas (with proper desk chairs). There's a convenience store and a cafeteria available inside the building as well, so you can easily grab lunch without having to go somewhere else. Don't forget to try the indoor slide!
- ⭐️ 評比
- 4.7
- 💻 WiFi
- 5 ★(120 Mb/s)
- 🔌 插座
- 5 ★
- 🪑 通常有位?
- 5 ★
- 🛋 舒適度
- 5 ★
- 🗣 安靜度
- 5 ★
- ☕️ 飲品
- 5 ★
- 🍔 餐點
- 4 ★
- 💰 價位
- 5 ★
- 🌄 景色
- 3 ★
- 🚽 廁所
- 5 ★
- 🔊 音樂
- 否
- 🚬 吸煙區
- 否
- 🧍♂️ 站立式座位
- 否
- 🌳 室外座位
- 否
- 💵 僅收現金
- 否
- 🐶 寵物友善
- 否
- 🥛 提供無乳糖牛奶
- 編修建議
- 🚦 時間限制
- 否
- 🚇 鄰近捷運站
- 孔德站
- ⏰ 營業時間
- 週一: 09:00 - 21:00週二: 09:00 - 21:00週三: 09:00 - 21:00週四: 09:00 - 21:00週五: 09:00 - 21:00週六: 09:00 - 18:00週日: 09:00 - 18:00
- 種類
- 共享辦公室
- 區域
- Mapo-gu
- 地址
- 21 Baekbeom-ro 31-gil, Gongdeok-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea
- facebook.com/SeoulStartupHub
- Website
- seoulstartuphub.com
- 電話
- +82221152000