A great workspace near Samseong station. Just register online and pickup your badge in the reception. Good hours, fast wifi, comfortable chairs, quiet environment. Popular, but you can always find a free seat. The large work table (best seats imo) usually fills up quite fast. No cafe inside but there are two coffee shops in the building and a Coffee Bean one block away.
- ⭐️ 評比
- 3.7
- 💻 WiFi
- 5 ★(150 Mb/s)
- 🔌 插座
- 5 ★
- 🪑 通常有位?
- 5 ★
- 🛋 舒適度
- 5 ★
- 🗣 安靜度
- 4 ★
- ☕️ 飲品
- 0 ★
- 🍔 餐點
- 0 ★
- 💰 價位
- 5 ★
- 🌄 景色
- 2 ★
- 🚽 廁所
- 5 ★
- 🔊 音樂
- 是
- 🚬 吸煙區
- 否
- 🧍♂️ 站立式座位
- 否
- 🌳 室外座位
- 是
- 💵 僅收現金
- 否
- 🐶 寵物友善
- 否
- 🥛 提供無乳糖牛奶
- 否
- 🚦 時間限制
- 否
- 🚇 鄰近捷運站
- 三成站
- ⏰ 營業時間
- 週一: 09:00 - 21:00週二: 09:00 - 21:00週三: 09:00 - 21:00週四: 09:00 - 21:00週五: 09:00 - 21:00週六: 09:00 - 17:00週日: 非營業時間
- 種類
- 共享辦公室
- 區域
- Gangnam-gu
- 地址
- South Korea, Seoul, Gangnam-gu, Daechi 2(i)-dong, Yeongdong-daero, 417 B2
- Website
- campus.co/seoul