A small and quaint cafe near Taipei City Hall. Both the interior and exterior are filled with green plants. The interior feels both modern and a little rustic, giving it quite a nice vibe. Luckily I had the entire cafe to myself on a (very) rainy weekday. Perhaps I was the only one that wanted to go out in the rain to find a cafe that day? The menu is quite large, with plenty of drink options, and although I didn't try any, the food sounded very nice (sweet and savory options available). Good WiFi, but slightly lacking power outlets (there was a power strip by the cupboards in the front seating area though).
除了空間之外,對遠端工作者來說最重要的當然就是網速和插座了,這裡的WiFi非常快且幾乎每個座位都配有插座,另外很優秀的是這裡有不同座位類型可以挑選。我想「最佳」座位必須頒給整個空間最裡面的靠窗的工作檯,有整面玻璃窗面向大馬路,採光絕佳,並且和同區的書桌一樣,桌面都非常寬敞,可以放得下大量參考資料,而當然這麼完美的位置自然是非常受歡迎的,要早點來才能搶到這些絕佳位置 (這裡採座位保留制,入座會登記座位,雖然中間如有需要可以稍微離開換到其他座位,但仍是以原本座位為主,人多時店員會協調座位)。
最後是不知道出於什麼因素(知道上班族都想買醉嗎? 哈),蔦屋書店共享空間居然還推出了酒精方案,可以讓你免費暢飲 (詳情如下)。
- 第一個小時(60分鐘) 180 元
- 每延長半小時(30分鐘)追加 90 元
- 一日方案: 640 元,須於到店時便選用,無法中途變更 (使用範例:8:30-21:30 = 13 小時 = 平均每小時 49 元)
- 第一個小時(60分鐘) 260 元
- 每延長半小時(30分鐘)追加 130 元
- 第一個小時(60分鐘) 90 元
- 每延長半小時(30分鐘) 追加 45 元 -這個方案以到店時間計,可參考圖片中的範例。(我們稍微算過,如果早上九點到店,並且只想待到兩點以前,則用這個方案幾乎等同於一日方案,可以自行斟酌哪一個最有利)
- 不能打包點心吧的東西出去
- 不得外食 (同層的路易莎可以帶入,也是很好的午餐輕食選項)
- 須保持安靜
- 可以借閱蔦屋書店中未拆封的雜誌和書籍 (大利多!)
- 事務機可付費使用
- 會議室可付費使用
Sky Cofi是一個複合式的共享空間,概念非常新奇,走進這裡你會明顯感受到這是專為遠端和游牧工作者打造的空間,充滿著巧思,不過實際上這裡也提供了咖啡店的功能,根據不同的工作需求可以選擇不同方案 (下面會再說明),這裡真的名副其實的準備了「everything you need」。因為屬性也包含咖啡店,Sky Cofi提供了非常完整的餐點和咖啡菜單(意味著來這裡不用擔心要去哪裡覓食),而工作者需要的高速Wifi、好用的插座、不同的座位類型也都在清單上了,就算是已經走遍各種共享空間的我們,也很難再挑剔些什麼,尤其是當Sky Cofi居然還大方讓你帶外食進來吃的時候,真的,已經好到無話可說了。
Sky Cofi的地點也很方便,在南京復興六號出口附近的商業大樓16樓,同個大樓內還包含幾層的 SkyCo 共享辦公室,Sky Cofi 和 SkyCo 有合作關係,未來也可能會推出互惠計畫,讓使用Sky Cofi的人也能借用 SkyCo的部分設施(未定),唯一美中不足的地方可能是這裡雖然很開闊,但整體空間並不算是非常大,因為在很方便的地點,平日似乎經常性六七成滿,想要坐在窗前的吧檯位需要早點到。而除了總是熱門的窗邊位置外,他們也有一些可以站著工作的高腳桌以及其他的個人坐位。最後再補充一下餐飲的部分,Sky Cofi 在這點上真的很用心,我們點了帕里尼三明治和烤土司,兩項都是真的很美味,價格也非常實惠,對於還滿在意早餐的工作者來說,來Sky Cofi還能節省早上另外覓食的時間,非常棒!
- 暢飲區無限飲品可續杯(不可外帶,以杯續杯—很認同這個環保概念,和最近去的蔦屋書店使用一次性杯具相比,這個概念除了應該是成本考量,也很環保)
- 無限供應的自助零食
- 可加價升級飲品
- 第一個小時 100 元
- 每延長半小時追加 50 元
- 當日計時收費上限 450 元
- 一日方案:390 元
- 花得越多,可以待越久
- 消費 100 元,可以待兩小時
- 消費 250 元,不限時
A new cafe that recently opened in Zhongxing New Villeage in Nantou. It's small, but feels very cozy and nicely designed. There are a couple of tables available, suitable for work. Power outlets at every seat, but no WiFi unfortunately. Nice coffee, tea, and the scones look tasty! It's a little pricey for the area, but I like the vibe!
This Cafe is really nice, and just across the street from another cafe called PuiBui. There are individual tables by the front and a large worktable in the back. For working I really like the counter seats, which also have easy access to power outlets. The cafe serves tea, coffee, sandwiches, dumplings, and desserts.
The yellow sign on the door contains some important rules:
- Minimum order: 1 drink, outside food and drink are not allowed.
- Our tables include many sharp edges. Children under 12 years old are not allowed to come in.
- We're a small shop without many seats, if you have to leave the shop for a bit, please inform us in advance.
- Anyone who doesn't inform us of leaving for a short time, will have to spend the minimum price again.
- It could get quite packed on the weekend. customers won't be served before everyone arrives (before 6pm).
A tiny cafe near Beimen station just across from the Beimen North Gate landmark, and just next door to another popular cafe called MKCR. The inside space only has counter seats along the windows, perfect for getting fresh air on a nice day. There are also a couple of seats outside. The menu is quite big, with coffee, tea, and desserts. Unfortunately there are no restrooms, so I guess this is really only suitable for a short stay.
Minimum order 1 drink, and there is a two hour limit on weekends.
A pleasant cafe located on the 2nd floor of the building across the street from Starbucks. There is a large menu serving food, snacks, desserts, and drinks. The WiFi is very fast and works well, but the inside seating area lacks power outlets. There are some power outlets on the balcony though (which also has AC). THe main downside is that the nearest restrooms are public and are located on the first floor of the building.
Located just inside The LINC mall, this cafe is great for getting work done thanks to plenty of power outlets and very fast wifi (the fastest I've come across in Kuala Lumpur). There's also a decent selection of drinks, and the food looks pretty good as well. Be sure to check out the 2nd floor as well, since there is more seating available there, as well an outdoor seating area on the first floor. The only downside is that the nearest restrooms our on the 2nd floor inside the mall.